Ransomware, Malware and Virus Protection

We have all heard the perils of being hit ransomware and like malicious applications. If your business is hit by one of these applications, they can bring your business to a grinding halt, sometimes for days. There have been several cases where organizations have had to pay thousands of dollars to get their data back. It is just not worth going through this excruciating process. Besides, you maybe endangering your clients data into the hands of hackers. We help access your business' security need and provide the solutions and keep your network and data safe without blowing a hole in your pocket.


In 2019, 71% of the ransomware attacks were targeted at small and medium sized businesses. There were more than 20,000 incidents of ransomware in 2019 in the United States alone. Your business does not have to be part of that statistic. Advanced threat protection can help proactively keep your network secured against new threats that have not yet been discovered and well protected against. But there is no one component but a comprehensive solution that is required to protect your business against such attacks.Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced tech to get a security assessment for your business and discuss the best solution and strategies for your business.